All majors but especially humanities and social science majors need to focus on this article and the book if they can get it.
A Funny Book about Worthless Degrees.
All this majors we have from American "high schools" that major in useless degrees are the one of the major cause for the decline in talent in the United States and especially Indiana. The governor of Florida was right. There really is not any use for most programs in Anthropology. The biggest program in NWI is criminal justrice, one of the most useless degrees and everyone faculty member agrees that these are the academically least capable students (and faculty.)
The only criminal justice program worth anything is the one at Indiana University Northwest (IUN), at least in NWI. Any onther one is frankly a make believe concoction of whatever course one can find and then it is called "criminal justice." Just compare the degree requirements for PUC criminal justice and IUN and you will see two different worlds.
The consequance here is two fold. Dissatisfied students when they graduate and an Indiana economy in NWI that can never move ahead.