If the State Legislature actually audited Purdue Calumet they would find that the institution is very likely being used as a way to funnel public money, taxpayer and student tuition, to politicians and administrators. It is the new way of "partaking" in public funds that has been discovered by the "locals." This is especially lucrative when property taxes and gambling revenues are drying up.
via speakingtruthtopower.blogs.com
For over fifty years, the Hoosier legislature has rarely utilized its authority of legislative oversight. This basically states that the only way that anyone can know if the multi-billions of dollars that is provided to any entity is properly spent. Sometimes the oversight is written into the law, such as head start and sometimes it depends on the legislature to perform its proper due diligence, for example higher education. When it has been left up to the Hoosier legislature and higher education, they, the legislature, have never ever asked what is the money being used for. They believe what the administrators tell them what they will use it for. Now is that not the wolf in the hen house?
Where is the once a century forensic audit of the universities? What are the Hoosier senators and representatives afraid of? We all know what they are afraid of. The same fraud and abuse that has occurred in every state university across the country. There are almost no exceptions.
When will the Republican majority in the legislature have any courage?