Where is the money for higher education in Indiana really going to? According to the universities and according to the Indiana Commission on Higher Education (ICHE) the following article from Bloomberg news is a complete fabrication. Read the following commentary and decide for yourself.
Bureaucrats Paid $250,000 Feed Outcry Over College Costs - Bloomberg.
The universities and ICHE are also saying that the president of the Purdue University, West Lafayette faculty senate is lying in this article. Who would you believe, certainly not Teressa Lubbers of ICHE?
The problem with believing anything the administrators in West Lafayette, or Bloomington (for that matter any campus in Indiana), is that this problem is true in the whole United States. All studies have shown that the new way to abscond with public money is to do it legitimately (sic) as an administrator in higher education. It is the old joke, but sadly true, that in K-12 grades, this was done by expanding the "assistant coaches." Every incompetent who was a political friend got the lucrative job of "assistant coach."
Now this is done in higher education by creating "administrators" ad nausea. There is an unlimited supply of public money to be given out to administrators who like assistance coaches do not, and I repeat, do not have anything to do with educating students.
By the way, the so called Daniels pay freeze on administrators is a shell game. No raises were expected this year (or next.) It is a good time for a show with no substance. You will notice that no one was dismissed and no commitment was made to not fill administrative positions. One could tell that Daniels was serious if he had cut administration by 10%. Has Daniels gone native?
The sad and jocular fact is that this is going to continue because the Indiana State Legislature will not take responsibility for handing out hundreds of millions of tax payers dollars to the administrative frauds (not my words, Bloomberg's and the President of the Faculty Senate.)