Where Purdue University Calumet is highlighted as abusing the due process and First Amendment rights of a faculty member in the following Wall Street Journal editorial, that person is me. See the following:
Greg Lukianoff: Feds to Students: You Can't Say That - WSJ.com.
What is truly remarkable is that this is a continuation of the anti-American activity of previous presidents of the University. Many individuals, including myself, believed that Mitch Daniels did harbor Republican values. He even indicated this case in his "Memo to the Purdue Community" during his first week on the job. The answer by Provost Sands of Purdue University was that the University's policies were reviewed by Federal Courts and found to in compliance. This was actually said to the Journal and Courier Newspaper of West Lafayette. It is a flat out misrepresentation.
On top of this Purdue University's Vice President Rollock actually says and argues that Purdue University as a Indiana State organization does not have to follow either Federal or State Law, or Constitution. It is its own power center and what the top administrators say is law.
It seems that history repeats itself. Daniels has not shown any Republican or conservative values, except in budget manipulation. I am saying manipulation because as head of OMB and as governor of Indiana a close scrutiny would show that he accomplished little in terms of value implementation and ironically even less in monetary spending changes. It seems to have been the same since he came to Purdue University. Rememer, Mitch Daniels has allowed a faculty member to be ostercized and isolated with due process of any kind by Sands and has refused to act on this in any way, forcing to faculty member to go to Federal court two weeks ago.
He will win because everyone knows that what Sands and Rollock are doing, at best, approaches criminal activity, Where is Mitch Daniels? No one really knows. But Purdue's legal bills, those paid by the taxpayers will continue to go up.