Purdue University Calumet (PUC) has been hiring friends and supporters, but incompetent ones, of Chancellor Keon to perform the roles upon everyone else's economic livelihood is dependent. A good example is the Vice Chancellor for Advancement. This former highly paid administrative assistant to Keon is now in charge of fund raising. Is this a real joke? Now look at what Ivy Tech Community College did in fundraising:
Ivy Tech exceeds fundraising goal by millions.
As you can see from the newspaper article Ivy Tech put Purdue Calumet to shame and shows the incompetence of the people who are running the campus. It is the Peter Principle not the Business Model that is being utlized at PUC. The people in charge have been promoted to the absolute level of incompetence.
The overall incompetency of the so called PUC Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is show by the fact that the SLT have not been able to manage the campus without loosing millions of dollars and not being able to produce any money for the campus. The leader in this incompetency seems to be the man in charge: Chancellor Keon.