Today the Faculty Senate at Purdue University Calumet will vote to show its continued support and legitimization of a racist faculty member, Prof. Yahya Kamalipour. Why is he racist? The simple answer is that Prof. Yahya Kamlipour supports the vilification of the Jews (historically, such vilification has led to Jewish death campus – but hey, never mind). How has he done this? By inviting the most racist and anti-Jewish speaker to our campus that one can possibly imagine. And his inability to comprehend the vile and heinous anti-Semitism represented by the speaker he invited to campus is simply breath-taking.
The real issue is that Kamalipour is so anti-Jewish that he cannot even tell that what this person is doing and thinking about Jews might be a problem, or more accurately racist and anti-Semitic. The un-American nature of Yahya Kamalipour is that he thinks that this vile view and characterization of Jews is normal. It is so normal to him and his compatriots, that many not only went to dinner with this Jew hater, this un-abashed Jew hater was paid $1,500 of University, i.e. tax funds, to come to speak, with no complaints from anyone on campus (Colin Fewer who jumps at any chance to call me a bigot and a racist apparently has laryngitis when it comes to a Jew hater spouting vicious anti-Semitism). The Jewish faculty was so concerned they had a private email go to only Jewish faculty members questioning the propriety of this speaker's ideology. If you want to know how bad this speaker was look at my previous blogs here and here or at American Thinker.
You will see today that all the Jews on the Senate will cower like scared sheep led to the slaughter. They will actually vote (or hide by abstaining from the vote) to give unqualified support to someone who openly, knowingly, and without apology supports and promotes the most vile and vicious anti-Semitism. What they will not do is speak out! And all the other Senators – who jump at any chance to denounce anything I might say – will not dare to suggest that vicious and vile anti-Semitism is problematic.