It is now time for the President and the Board of Trustees to be held accountable for the lack of monetary and developmental commitment for higher education to NWI's economic development. So far they have contributed little in significantly improving the financial status of either campuses Purdue Calumet or Purdue North Central. Their main contribution is to increase the value of the Purdue Foundation's holdings in Crown Point by creating a huge mall. The numbers in an earlier blog to this show that Purdue Calumet asked on its ultimate wish list for the lowest increase of any campus in Indiana. This first means they have no plan as to how to develop in NWI. Next year PUC will receive $10 million per year less than IUPU Fort Wayne. Why?
Even by Purdue University's own definition of a high technology incubator, the thing being built in Crown Point with federal tax dollars does not fit what Purdue is advertising in West Lafayette. Even the President of Purdue recognized that when he dedicated it by pointing out that it is too far from anywhere to be a technology incubator.
Mayor Junior, and his so claimed allies at Purdue University, should be able to deliver funding and development of a complete university to NWI. But the actual data, in an earlier comment on this blog, shows that PUC did not even as for enough funds in its best wish list. Its request was the lowest of all the campuses in Indiana; it will also receive the lowest amount of any campus in the State.
For Junior and his staff of hangers on, like Jake, to claim they understand anything about economic development is an outright joke. There is no doubt that McJunior is one of the most incapable politician and public servants to have set foot in NWI, but most especially in the arena of economic development. It does not take a genius to realize that the $10 million NWI and Hammond are loosing every year is real development money.
Purdue and its Board of Trustees are selling PUC short. They put in the smallest request for PUC's wish list of all the campuses in Indiana. As a result they are going to get the smallest increase .5%. There is no plan to develop a real university in NWI and to support economic development; quite the opposite. Mammon Powers is the token NWI representation on the Board and he has not brought anything to the table in NWI in his whole life that was not handed to him as an exception.
Don Powers was the last economic development visionary in NWI. Junior is the opposite; an anti-visionary who can only look at micro problems.
If there was any real desire for economic development, than the Quality of Life Council would call them, Purdue, on the carpet for an explanation of why these funds are not flowing to NWI. What the Quality of life Council is doing now in place of real development is useless.
The bottom line is where is the money flowing and it is not here. More studies and wishful thinking will not change that.
There is now the additional information that the administrators of higher education from Commissioner Stan Jones to the Presidents of the universities are a failure. The data comes from the new report showing that Indiana has droped to number 46 from 43 of the fifty states during these peoples' tenure. Indiana is now 46th in ranking of states in the number of people over 25 with bachelor's degrees. It is pitiful how poorly these people are performing and collecting their paychecks.
By the way, Purdue's president is the highest paid in Indiana and Indiana's private funding is about fifth in the country. So there are no excuses.