The Times newspaper of NWI has again shown itself to be completely incompetent in its editorial policy and biased or bought by the McDermotts. This is the newspaper that dared refer to me as "spewing my spleen" when they have no idea of what they are talking about or their editorial policy has never been right (except for when it favors the McDermotts).
Today they are telling the Gary/Chicago International Airport to be optimistic. The only thing optimistic is the name. The newspaper agree that Hooters air will go the way of all other airlines that have participated in Gary: out of business. How completely ignorant can the editor be?
The reality is there is probably a way the McDermotts are going to make money of the airport expansion and so Nangle is supporting it; just as he has always refused to criticize McDermott, Jr. until he is sufficiently embarrassed by the Post-Tribune so he has to print something. That is what occurred with the quid pro quo between Cohen and McDermott.
The Times is so happy about everything it could create a positive spin on a serial murderer. It therefore sadly is of no value to NWI advancement -- except for wrapping fish. I guess we don't do that much anymore.
The truth is, in spite of the desire of the Times otherwise is that what I have argued for has generally come to pass. If the citizens of NWI want to progress then the place to find the answers is here and where ever I present my next ideas.
The fact is I am a professor of political science and public policy. I do this for a living and I do it well. I am not doing it because of my daddy's name or because I could not make a living as a lawyer or in some other profession like banking. With some exception, all of our politicians are failures at making a living so they become politicians or State administrators at some level. They are still incompetent but are being protected by Bill Nengle.
The worst of these are the McDermotts.