A Governor and a Congressman are actually going to be coming into NWI, to the Gary/Chicago International Airport (an oxymoron), to announce how they are going to mis-spend Hoosier tax dollars and the tax dollars of all Americans through the FAA pork barrel system.
Now understand this announcement has not been made yet. Unless the useless abuser of public money airport administrator (paid as consultant) Karras can announce that JetBlue is coming to Gary, which it is not, the rest is useless. Karras is a flunky for Mayor Daley of Chicago; therefore everyone else's money in NWI is going to nothing.
Except for a misplaced Hatcher type of ego about Gary, what makes any of you think Gary can be a third airport to anywhere? Except for New York City, and that has its own peculiarities, nowhere in the WORLD is there a place with three airports. There must be too much mercury in NWI making people think they can do what is not needed anywhere in the WORLD.
Hatcher will probably argue with the help of Rev. Jackson, that we need a minority only airport. Maybe that is what I have been missing.
The fact is that Daniels is smarter than that; he is going to let us waste our money and time on the useless RDA and its plans, including the airport, while he gets Republicans elected to State wide offices. His plan to lease the toll road to develop the rest of Indiana is superb. We in NWI are going to be left holding the stick.
I have told you all along to stop listening to those people in suits called NWI politicians and listen to me. I am the only one who has no vested interest in "screwing" you.