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    « Hammond City Government Corruption and Incompetence Unsurpassed | Main | Indy's Big Joke on NWI: Mac Jr. for Governor »

    Sunday, December 24, 2006


    Yourajoke Maurice

    Let me get this straight, now you are holding Fran Dupey up a an elected official to model after? She's been a joke of an elected official for the passed 20 years, and Maurice is holding her up as a model for other elected officials!!! Ha.

    She's being investigated by the FBI Einstein for SRI. But then again, after the Grand Jury comes back with an indictment against Mayor Tom (boy they are taking their time), you will be vindicated. BTW, what Grand Jury would deliberate for soo long? Must be a complicated case.

    Merry Xmas Einstein... or Chanuka... whatever.

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