For those of you who may have read the replies of Fowler in the comments to my previous post one should note that as a true anti-Semite he shows that he can make things up about a Jewish person very quickly. This is what anti-Semites do; they accuse someone Jewish of having power that they, in reality, do not have.
I suspect that he also keeps a copy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his desk drawer. There is as little truth and accuracy in what he says about me as there is in the "protocols."
What he does not mention is that the Jewish Cemetery is hit constantly more than others and that is know by the Hammond police. Desecration of a Jewish cemetery is by definition a hate crime and anti-Semitism. Why was most, by far, of the damage done only to the Jewish cemetery?
I rarely use my middle name, except for religious reasons. Fowler is one of the very few people who certainly has access to it. One of the few place in Indiana it is available is in the office Fowler works at where my father's estate papers are filed, the Hammond County Clerk's probate office. How else have you abused your oath?
The Times on their own decided to block my last name when false accusations against me started appearing on a regular basis on their discussion boards. One could have used Maurice or Mo or Eisen or even "that guy I hate." I guess using professor, which I earned through the evaluation of my peers would have been too much for Fowler because of his dis-like for Jews. But no, the only name he could find to use is the one that is not even known by some of my closest friends, Moshe, and is solely linked to my religion.
Since he has shown his hatred of me derives from my religion, the City of Hammond or any public entity should clean its house of such "stuff" as soon as possible.