Hammond Mayor Tom McDermott, Jr. on his radio show turned a deaf ear to low-income Hoosiers and small businesses. Essentially, he told them to "go-to-hell." How did he do that? By expressing a complete lack of caring in regard to their economic conditions, i.e. inability to pay for his exorbitant budget.
First, he rejects the 2% cap on property tax in favor of an income tax. It does not matter if the tax is a local Lake County tax or an increase in the Indiana State income tax, they both are regressive. Regressive means they hit the poorest of our community the hardest. You pretty well pay it on your first dollar and everything after that. The people who are hurt the most and benefit the least are the people in our society who can least afford it.
That should not be a surprise coming from McDermott who many individuals -- in their conversations with me -- have characterized as narcissistic and "full of himself." The last people who he would care about are the low-income and the poor; those who can least help him make more money.
Who was it who thought of him as a Democrat? Now he is showing his true colors. I am fully disgusted that anyone in this great State of Indiana allowed him to even set foot in any Democratic domain. All you Democrats out there, so called, who supported him should be ashamed of yourself for what he is about to do to the people who depended on you. McDermott, Jr. does not even pass the test of a "compassionate conservative."
The mayor out of hand dismisses the 2% cap on rental properties. The only NWI politician to recognize the need to hold the line on spending and the 2% cap is Commissioner DuPey. Again the Mayor in his usual selfishness is telling the low-income to "shove it." People who own rental properties must pass on the property tax to their renters. Otherwise logic tells any intelligent person that they will go out of business very quickly. Who predominantly rents in NWI? The answer is low-income citizens. Why should they carry the burden?
When a Hammond small business man called the radio show to appeal for a 2% cap on business because he is being driven out of business, the Mayor had no sympathy. The caller informed the Mayor that he is currently paying 5% property tax on his business. The Mayor's indifferent answer was that he should consider himself lucky for having a 2% cap on his residence and quit griping.
Not only is this mixing apples and oranges indicating the Mayor's complete lack of business and economic awareness; it also indicates a Mayor completely out of touch with the small people. Who is it that owns small businesses? You and me, our parents, that is who owns them. It is not like the big five businesses in NWI that have a slew of lawyers and lobbyists for special legislation to protect them. Small businesses are protected by their local Mayor.
Well Hammond's small people and small businesses have all been thrown over by the so called Democratic Mayor. That is the true embarassment of NWI.
Mr. Equalizer:
Why would you think that I utilized an understated tone? Why should I care if it is understated or overstated? It seems to me that if you think that I was understating, then you missed my main points. But so be it.
Posted by: Prof. Maurice Eisenstein | Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 10:32 PM
Wow I cant even get angry over that one. I'm wondering why you chose such an understated tone this week? I also wonder if you are actually trying to help the Mayor by making his detractors seem so pathetic no one would give them credibility. I seriously believe people like yourself help the Mayor's poll numbers far more than they hurt them.
As for your post, that's just laughable! The small businessman you quote actually ran against McDermott in the Democratic Primary in 2003. So somehow I'm a little leery of his plight. That is also the same guy who Kiesling wrote about several months ago, who told him he ran for office just for the insurance.
But Hes your big highlight now to point out McDermott doesnt care for the little guy?
Last I recall little guys didn't own hotels, even slummy ones on Baltic Avenue.
Posted by: The Equalizer | Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 05:17 PM