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    « Purdue and Party Politics, The Interlude | Main | Purdue and Party Politics, Part V »

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007



    With such insight into Da Region, you should be a Democratic campaign strategist!

    Spending dollars on premium entertainment

    Some people in the world live in places where taxes are spent efficiently and so they have more money to go on vacations and see plays, musicals, shows and visit museums. In Lake County, residents choose to get the best entertainment around and pay extra to have such convenient side shows and attractions. There really isn't any corruption going on in Lake County. We just like to invest our tax dollars in premuim entertainment. Municipal employees trying to defend patronage arguing with radio hosts most people have never heard of and "talking" about lawsuits that will NEVER happen! This is why reality TV is so can't write better stuff than real life! Lake County is the world's greatest reality entertainment! We should feel fortunate to pay the millions we do in taxes for this quality of entertainment. I feel like going to the boats right now and dropping some more coins in some machines in the hopes we can afford to hire some more characters and get them on municipal payrolls! I would gladly pay a "fowler family" tax if we can get more of that guy's relatives on the payroll and posting on messageboards! Who needs symphonies, theatre, or movie theatres when we can watch this stuff unfold anywhere we look in our community!

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