Reminiscent of the idiot E. Chicago State Representative John Aguilera when he claimed a summer home in Munster, Hammond Streets and Sanitation supervisor Al Salinas, who also happens to be a City Councilman, was seen today doing "office work" at the Munster branch of People's Bank. One must assume that this was official Hammond business. "Doobie" McDermott's lapdog would never do anything under the table that was not in the Hammond citizens' interest.
Since he had the snow plow truck, with the official Hammond seal, maybe Hammond was helping Munster remove snow around commercial buildings, like banks, since there are so few in Hammond. It is good to see the Tommy McDermott is being so neighborly. Maybe it is even possible the Salinas is contributing his time for the better good.
At 11am today, and to this individual's knowledge, still now, Al Salina is sitting in the main office of the Munster Bank, eating cookies and coffee and talking business on his cell phone. The Hammond City truck is parked in front of the building with the engine running.It is good to know that this is how a City that is going broke under "doobie" Mcdermott is carrying on business. It is important to note, THERE IS A BRANCH OF PEOPLE'S BANK IN HAMMOND, ON INDIANAPOLIS BOULEVARD.
But if you were loafing and wasting the taxpayer's money, what better place than Munster. Just like Aquilera when he claimed the house he owned in Munster was his summer home.
Al Salinas is not bright enough to do this on his own. He cannot put two sentences together. He would only do this if he had the protection of "doobie" McDermott. It is too bad he is not in the fire department than he could collect overtime for his stop at the bank.
(By the way, he did not do any special banking business. I was in there and he just made a normal transaction with the teller.)
Al Salinas is the reason Hammond is going down the toilet quickly, for its citizens. The few like him, Salinas, and McDermott will walk away with well filled pockets, like Gary, but the rest of the citizens will curse the day the set eyes on Salinas.