House ethics panel investigating Visclosky.
Now everyone has to admit it is true. Purdue and Visclosky tried to destroy me personally with attacks by the President and Vice President of Purdue against me personally and harrassing me sexually and religiously. The President, Jischke, has retired but he should still be investigated for his role in this corruption and why he abruptly resigned from Purdue University. The fact is as I have pointed out before, he should be in jail after being indicted by a Federal grand jury. The Vice-President Rollock must be fired for attacking me and attempting to cover up the theft by Visclosky and JIschke. All the evidence indicates that she was in collusion with the powers destroy me personally and professionally so that I would stop complaining about Visclosky's bogus use of Federal Tax Dollars.
Finally the truth comes out that Visclosky and Purdue's president Jiscke are tied as thieves through the Purdue Foundation.
When is the current President going to come clean on the theft by the Purdue Foundation and Visclosky through the Merriville Technology Center? Visclosky worked for Whitco Industries with the assistance of Purdue University Foundation to steal over $7 million from the taxpayer. This was all part of a plan to enrich the Foundation, President Jischke, and Whitco Industries, which it did.
Remember the Purdue Foundation is like the East Chicago Foundations not open to public scrutiny. Even though Purdue is a public institution the Foundation is closed. Just like East Chicago and they steal and enrich themselves in the same way.
Visclosky needs to be voted out of office and the Indiana State Legislature take a close look at how the Purdue Foundation has been stealing money under false pretense from the Hoosier Tax payers.
Heading to Northwest Indiana Politics to post link to you, any chance you can get me a link here? Thanks
Posted by: Steve Dalton | Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 09:22 AM