In the following article, in The Times newspaper many of Hammond's Mayor Tom McDermott's mental problems are presented for all to see:
McDermott Cries "Foul" Because Former Sherriff Still Interested in Politics.
The article, quoting McDermott extensively, shows a scared little boy when confronted by adults. He is crying fowl and unfair because someone else, an adult, Roy Dominguez, wants to also play politics. This may or may not be at McDermott's expense. But just the fact that someone dares to play in his sandbox sends Little Tommy McDermott in to an apoplexy.
Paranoid is a mental condition where one is irrationally afraid of either perceived or real challenges. The irrationality in this case is that Dominguez has every right, constitutionally, to have an interest in local politics, as Baby Mac does. It has to do with issues, policy, and speech; not personality. But for Baby Mac this generates an irrational fear of conspiracies against his person and these must be stopped according to Baby Mac, even if by illegal means. (Remember the illegal phone call and illegally based phone message from Baby Mac, the Mayor, made to the head law enforcement official in Lake County to fix a case. This solely the result of being mentally paranoid.)
You would have no idea that he was ever a lawyer or read the United States or the Indiana Constitution. Actually, I know he has not read the latter. I am sorry to tell him that both permit others to play in his sand-box. The next item we will have is Baby Mac calling Daddy Mac to help him with the support of Dean White. All of this by the way, is so that Hammond can continue to be served by incompetence at all levels. The biggest bragging rights that Baby Mac has for his eight years as Mayor is that his City's dive was not quite as bad as Gary's. Now there is a good reason to vote for somebody for another four years.
Being paranoid is a mental disease. There are very few Democrats and no Republicans that will nor readily concur that in their observation this is a Baby Mac problem. He is obsessive about it and about destroying individual lives; if he thinks he has been crossed.
In my next blog on Monday, I will give dollar and cents figures of where Baby Mac it ethically stealing money as Mayor of Hammond.
thanks for this wonderful article that I used to my research.
Posted by: online writing | Monday, January 09, 2012 at 12:44 PM