In the following story in the Hammond Times newspaper, the Andrade candidates say they have not been put up to undermining the electoral system by being fake candidates. In addition according to the following story, Robert "Bobbi" Lendi and Mayor McDermott know nothing about this.
Is Hammond teen a serious mayoral candidate?
The answer by The Times should have been an emphatic no!!!
The proof is now in that the Andrade's, Bobbi Lendi, and Baby MacDermott are lying thieves and charlatans. First, one must understand the Lendi is Baby Mac's most trusted political operative and chief of staff (I have been corrected. He is not the "Chief of Staff" but, does work for the City and is Baby Mac's top political operative.) They are as close as Baby Mac is to his girlfriend. Nothing Lendi does is not ok'd by Baby Mac. Bobby Lendi claims he ran into the Andrade's by "accident" at the election board and had never seen or heard of them before. Baby Mac claims he is too dumb to know anything about anything. Generally a safe posture. He specifically claims that he has never known or met the Andrade's.
Alex Rafael CAN42 HDO Candidate Night info Maritza Andrade CAN42