When you read the following article from the "I hate Business Times of NWI," you will understand the problems NWI has:
Indiana unemployment lower than in many right-to-work states.
"Right to work" laws are not aimed at the unemployed, who are in many case unemployable anyway, they are aimed at creating new jobs. Texas, which has the closest unemployment rates to Indiana's, has created half of all the jobs in the country during the past two years.
Passing right to work laws would be a boom to NWI, which currently no sane business will touch, and significantly lower the unemployment rate for the State. In NWI, unemployment is over 10% and growing (unless people leave.)
Labor leaders have too much of a cushy job to give up on right to work. It is the union members who will be hurt over the long run. The Midwest America is gone. Wherever there is strong unions there is no business or employment. You do not need a left wing nonsense academic to tell you this. Just look around. When your eyes, and pocketbook, do not match the academic, you know the academic is smoking.