When I addressed the Indiana House Ways and Means Committee yesterday (speaking for all tax paying Hoosier citizens), I asked for a forensic audit of all universities in Indiana that receive our tax payer money. (I actually said "feduciary" audit, although, that would be true also.) Not a single person on the committee had any idea what any money that is used by the universities, billions and billions of dollars, goes to. This is true of the 1% increase and the original billions of dollars that are about to be given to the campuses.
via speakingtruthtopower.blogs.com
If the State Legislature actually audited Purdue Calumet they would find that the institution is very likely being used as a way to funnel public money, taxpayer and student tuition, to politicians and administrators. It is the new way of "partaking" in public funds that has been discovered by the "locals." This is especially lucrative when property taxes and gambling revenues are drying up.