The Federal Government is at it again. This would be the U.S. Attorney office for NWI, the NWI FBI in Merriville, the DEA of NWI etc. Nothing has ever been involved from the State or Local level, for example the Lake County Prosecutor. This is a fact when we are talking about political white collar crime almost always committed by Democrats. The occasional Republican is used by Democrats to proved that the ones who are not caught yet must be "good."
There is no such thing as a Democrat in NWI who is not also a thief. What a clown show. That is the nature of being a Democrat in NWI. It is the Chicago way. Think about how funny this is. The head of the Democrat Party is arrested for a kickback scheme and most of his staff is involved. Now realistically, how many of the Democrats he hired as payoff are not part of knowledgeable of this scheme or others. According to the local FBI, i.e. Merriville, there is not an innocent Democrat. It is only a matter of how much evidence they can have available for the U.S. Attorneys. Maybe NWI will change, most likely not. Too much money to be made by politicians like Tom McDermott (and his father and brother, etc.), they Sheriff of Lake County, the head of the Democrat party, Then there are the unions, They are all making money and always have. That is the scam. You give me your votes and I will get you money and jobs. That is how we have great buildings for schools in Hammond with lousy student outcomes.
Someday NWI may face its own problems; but, not likely until Chicago changes its ways. But there is now a new cop in town, Trump. Maybe, just maybe, NWI will change.