To those who want to know my recomendations are based on two principles:
- If you do the same thing over and over and expect different results, you are crazy.
- Evaluate political candidates by results; not rehtoric. What have they accomplished; not what they say, promise, or excuse. Results are independent of the candidate and in that sense are more objective.
Now that we have that clear, you as a voter have your first choice to make. Do I choose a Republican ballot or a Democrat ballot? This is the primary so you can only vote in one. With the two principles mentioned above there is not any way to justify taking a Democrat ballot. In Lake County, the Democrats have been in power since 1932, and I mean absolute power, If there is anything wrong in NWI, it is because of Democrats. Now I do recognize that no matter what, some of you will pick up the Democrat ballot. So let us take a look at the possible real options there.
In the first place, sticking with the principles enumerated above, do not vote for any incumbent. There is not a single one that is worth keeping and if they remain in office it will not change a single thing in NWI. This is true of all offices, from the national level to the most "insignifcant" local community office. If there is an incumbent running unopposed, do not vote for them, leave it blank. It will drive them crazy and the pundits crazy. It will also result in them and their campaign taking you more seriusly before the general election.
There are some pretty old people running against some energetic "young" challengers. Challengers like Darren L. Washington for State Senator and Tony Walker for State Representative are talented go-getters who have shown that they understand and believe in NWI. They want to improve it in their lifetimes. Their opponents have been in office for so long they have no ideas and do not have any purpose in running except for the status of the job. It is also a reality that they have been continuous losers -- as it relates to being an elected representative. Look at how badly they have caused NWI to be treated. Why would you vote them back in office? I know both of these candidates, Washington and Walker, and they will do a greatly improved job of representing NWI in the Gerneral Assembly. Do not vote for people that have not done anything for NWI for thirty years but somehow still claim that they can make a difference in the next two years. How can anyone believe that?
At age 68, and no accomplishmnents to his name, Vernon Smith has to be voted back into reality by kicking him out of next year's General Assembly. How bad do you need to be before the voters will finally say no?
One of the most important races in Lake County is the one for Commissioer. There are two offices open out of three. Frankly, no matter who gets elected, or re-elected, no one is going to match retiring Commissioner Fran DuPey. Commissioner DuPey's fight for the middle class and her constituents in NWI is legendary. Her retirement will be a great loss to everyone in NWI. Now we have Commissioners in District 2 and 3 open. I firm beleif is that one of these MUST be a Republican if there is to be any fair representation in Lake County Government. Probably the best choice to replace DuPey is Repay, if he can keep McDermott at arms length, which is a big if. If not, then all is lost. At 76, Scheub needs to retire and he should have know it. The current disaster of Raggs son should have called for an immediate firing. What kind of person is this that works for the Commissioners? If I had to vote Democrat for the 2nd District Commissioner, I would vote for Dominguez. That is only the true viable choice. The attacks against him by other Democrats should only enhance your desire to support him.
If you are going to take a Democat ballot, please remember the principles above and the challengers I have named. If the voters stick with the Challengers, the one thing I can say is that NWI will improve. It cannot get any worse than it has under the current incumbents.