Uncertainty created by the slow pace of the economic recovery, gasoline prices, and the 24/7 news cycle continue to hold back business investment in Northwest Indiana and across the nation, according to the Times Board of Economists.
via www.nwitimes.com
I love this. You are asking the people who are causing the problem why NWI has a problem. The Times Board of Economists have not idea of what is going on. And if they do, most of them will not dare say it. In my over thirty years of watching NWI political economy, the problem is most of the people sitting around the Times table. If anything of what they are saying has legitimacy then why was there minimal economic investment in NWI ten years ago, or five years ago, or even fifteen to twenty years ago?
The main reason companies will not move here start a business here in any significant number (and by the way Illinois too), is Unions, Corrupt Democrat politics, no available qualified labor, and lack of higher education with any credibility. These factors have not changed for over twenty years and over that twenty years there has been minimal investment in NWI. The only economic item that occurred is gambling and it is sucking what ever is left of economic life out of NWI. And now that is going to go the way of the dodo bird.