I am not about to tell you how tomorrow's election will turn out. The polls and talking heads are enough for that. Nor will I tell you that the end of America's economic growth will happen, no borders, abortion at will, etc. Although all are a possibility and many more when the Democrats take over the House. President Trump was a short, if not complete, slow down of the end. But he neither will end nor begin a continuation of the American values. It has been many, many years in denial. (Included in that was a younger self.) He cannot do it by himself. The best option is for Americans to have another civil war, with real weapons, since for once the country seems to be divided 50/50. Personally I thing a good civil was is what the United States needs.
In some ways it does not matter who wins the midterm election The very fact that it is a contentious election is enough to show the end of American values. It will be slower if Republicans win and it will be faster if Democrats win. There is no other possibility. If you think there is another you are fooling yourself and others.
It is like Jews fooling themselves that somehow Democrats will not come after them to kill them. They always have historically. Why is 2018 somehow different? But Jews will keep fooling themselves just like they have done for over 2,000 years.
What is the end of American values? What it basically means, and has meant for almost 250 years is what is embodied in the First Amendment of the American Constitution. Nothing else matters. Everything we talk about is a derivative of the First Amendment and that is all there is to it. The First Amendment is the actual display of what American beliefs are. They are freedoms granted to the individual, I repeat individual, irrespective of who may or may not be in charge. There is no amending or changing the First Amendment. It is absolute. That is the way it was treated by the Supreme Court always. Even though they were not perfect is in its implementation. Everything else we discuss or implement as policy is a derivative of these freedoms. Be that immigration, education, welfare, income inequality, etc. They all go back to the First Amendment.
Why? Because the First Amendment is not just a list of "like to have" freedoms. It is what defines a human being. It is the very meaning of what it is to be human. That is to be in control of yourself and your future, for good or bad. Anything less is not a human being one is an animal of some kind. If you do not have the First Amendment as your values you are not a human being but an animal. That has always been the difference between human beings and the animal and rock kingdoms.
The other amendments of what is called the "Bill of Rights" support the First Amendment. They are actually re-iteration of how a free individual should be treated by a "government" to continue being a human being. How a human being can keep on being a human being with G-d given rights (the Second Amendment is each individuals protection) in spite of what the government becomes.
The values that are personified in the First Amendment, as a definition of what it means to be human, are English. They are part and parcel of the English culture. These values are what it has always meant to be Anglo Saxon (property rights and the Magna Carta. It is no longer accepted because these people are being defined, the Anglo people, as inherently evil. Who was not? As a matter of fact, no one was. The English were a little better because of their conception of what it was to be human.
Who will win tomorrow be definition it will not be the First Amendment. Only, and I mean only, the United States has anything close to the First Amendment as a definition of its values and what it means to be human. It most direct precursor is the English culture. But, that has been gone for over 100 years and America is finished because other cultures have become the majority they do not believe, or even understand, what the English culture had as its values. Mexico is the biggest culture in the United States. The land mass called the United States will become like Mexico for good or bad. But, it will NOT be the United States with its English value of the First Amendment. Do not be mistaken. I am not Anglo-Saxon; but I do know what they gave to the world. All societies took away -- always taking. Only a few gave anything to advance human beings as human beings. The European Union, the most advanced society after the United States, has done away with the First Amendment. That should actually not be surprising. It was never part of Europe's history.
Progressives by definition for the past 100 years or more has slowly done away with the First Amendment. Its goal has always seemed positive: to better the individual. But, it never bettered the First Amendment: my home (what ever it may be) is my castle and no one can or should deny that.