If the health care bill passes today the Republican cannot lose in the coming 2010 election. It is opposed by the American public and by 2010 you will only have health care taxes; but no benefits. Everyone by then will have read it and criticized iis policies and bureaucracy. The hue and cry in the Nation will leave the Democrats no where to turn. There are therefore many good reasons for Republicans to want the Democrats to vote for this bill today. It guarantees their success in next year's election.
Finally, the Republicans need to know that the one person the need to run against is Nancy Pelosi. She is the real leader of the Democrats. Her popularity is lower than used car salesman. The Republicans need to make her the center of their attack. Do you want Pelosi back as leader of the Country? Just run against her picture; and ignore Obama completely.
This the American public will completely support Republicans if the run against Pelosi and the health-care bureaucracy. It is Pelosi (maybe Harry Reid too).who are destroying America. This is now what Americans believe. The Republicans just have to remind them in 2010.