That today's university research into so called "global warming" is singularly tied to the money it makes for its proponents, has been the presentation that I have made to students for almost ten years.
Naturally not only has the faculty not taken me seriously, the university itself has tried to get rid of me through various, unsuccessful, attacks. Read the following to understand why:
'Global Warming’ Fear is about Money Not Science - Godfather Politics.
What all the "scientists" argue is not only that the weather is changing -- that is a fact since time immemorial and there is no debate on this. Today's money-grubbing university researchers have to add the factor that it is MAN MADE. Otherwise, why bother. It is the later fact for which there is no evidence and it is the one that brings in the money to universities.
As has been true for the larger part of the Twentieth Century, scientists in their own utilitarian interests continue to make up stories to gain themselves money and prestige. At one time this was only argued for the social sciences, or even worse the private sector, but now we know that the real money is in fake science, engineering, and technology.
Naturally not only has the faculty not taken me seriously, the university itself has tried to get rid of me through various, unsuccessful, attacks. Read the following to understand why:
'Global Warming’ Fear is about Money Not Science - Godfather Politics.
What all the "scientists" argue is not only that the weather is changing -- that is a fact since time immemorial and there is no debate on this. Today's money-grubbing university researchers have to add the factor that it is MAN MADE. Otherwise, why bother. It is the later fact for which there is no evidence and it is the one that brings in the money to universities.
As has been true for the larger part of the Twentieth Century, scientists in their own utilitarian interests continue to make up stories to gain themselves money and prestige. At one time this was only argued for the social sciences, or even worse the private sector, but now we know that the real money is in fake science, engineering, and technology.