When truth offends political correctness, political correctness depends on power to enforce its Fascism. Today's educational and political institutions are the center of barbarism. This blog is dedicated to enlightening, i.e. exposing to the light of reason, false correctness that result in depravity and demise of civilized behavior. Reason is the Western civility's final stand against barbarism to survive in the new world of the Twenty-First Century. When one sees the lies, hypocrisy, thought by slogans, of those who would end freedom, one can only laugh at the comedy. The emperor does not have any clothes and this blog's goal is to laugh at his nakedness. (All opinions are strictly my own and do not in anyway reflect or imply any concurrence or support from Purdue University.)
Democratic pollster Pat Caddell has finally broken out from the protective lies that have engulfed Obama. I can no longer refer to him as "President" Obama since he has willfully rescinded that right when he slept soundly as our Ambassador and Seals were killed. See the following emotional interview with him:
What is harder to take is that the American media, led by the New York Times, is going out of its way to cover-up the Libyacowardice strictly for the desire that this coward be re-elected to office. There is not an ounce of American backbone in this ingrate.
I have projected for months that Romney will win by a landslide. The following map shows my projections for this success. The question will be is he going to win by this margin:
or is Romney going to win in a landslide reminiscent of Ronald Reagan's 1980 and 1984 successes. Ultimately, I believe it will be the later and for the same reasons. The only ones who have a reason to vote for Carter or Obama are the "knee-jerks" who would vote for a Democrat under all and any circumstances. Romney (or Reagan) never had a chance of convincing them. The problem for Obama is that there are never enough "knee-jerks" to win an election on either side of the aisle. Both Carter and Obama are ending their term with a national security/diplomatic disaster. Iran for Carter and Libya (Benghazi) for Obama. But, although it is difficult to argue that both were incompetent on the economy and national security matters, only Obama raises the question of cowardice under fire. Only Obama can be legitimately viewed as a commander and chief without any courage. By definition, that means the a majority of Americans will reject Obama in this coming election. Not because they are Democrat, Republican, or independent; but, because they are Americans first.