The correct answer is NO. There is no racism in America. How can that be? First, we all recognize the crazy racist: the KKK. American Nazi Party, White People's Party, Black Lives Matter, The Nation of Islam, etc. There is no question they are the racist kooks. But gratefully they do not have a great influence on the truth of racism.
Now why NO. What is racism? The definition and meaning of racism is to characterized a group of people by some identifiable similarity of that group. It is taking an individual and identifying him/her positively or negatively by what he/she have in common with some group. Racism can be about a race (obviously), religion, ethnicity, or even national origin. What is important about the identification is that it is not a factual truth of the whole group, especially all individuals. The problem with racism as an explanatory variable is that the only real way to empirically find it is by examining the inside of somebody's head or brain. That is just not possible or practical.
Therefore, we have resorted to the use of the terms "racist" or "racism" as a way of negatively characterizing someone we do not like -- a lot. It is easy and we do not have to give reasons. "What you say is racist." End of story.