In a recent column by Jerry Davich in the Gary Post-Tribune, he called Purdue University Calumet professor David Detmer some kind of knight for taking on Mitch Daniels and Purdue University over Howard Zinn the author of the "People's History of the United States." Davich as usual is wrong on all fronts. (Remember he is Croatian. He hates Jews and other minorities. It is part of his upbringing. Look at his recent column. Zimmerman is one of his families last names. Although he says he is related to Robert Zimmerman, Bob Dylan, he never explains how a Jewish name, or person, came into his family. Could he be ashamed? Or as is true of all Croats, he denies it could ever be. Remember that Croatians, beside killing Serbs, loved to kill Jews. That was their goal in life.)
Daniels as Indiana governor took on Zinn, and good for him. That is Daniels. See what occurred in the following: In July 2013, the Associated Press revealed that former Republican Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels asked for assurance from his education advisors that Zinn's works were not taught in K–12 public schools in the state.[95] The AP had gained access to Daniels' emails under a Freedom of Information Act request. Daniels also wanted a "cleanup" of K–12 professional development courses to eliminate "propaganda and highlight (if there is any) the more useful offerings."[96] In one of the emails, Daniels expressed contempt for Zinn upon his death:[97] This terrible anti-American academic has finally passed away...The obits and commentaries mentioned his book, A People’s History of the United States, is the ‘textbook of choice in high schools and colleges around the country.’ It is a truly execrable, anti-factual piece of disinformation that misstates American history on every page. Can someone assure me that it is not in use anywhere in Indiana? If it is, how do we get rid of it before more young people are force-fed a totally false version of our history? At the time the emails were released, Daniels was serving as the president of Purdue University. In response, 90 Purdue professors issued an open letter expressing their concern.[98][99][100][101] Because of Daniels' attempt to suppress Zinn's book, the former governor was accused of censorship, to which Daniels responded by saying that his views were misrepresented, and that if Zinn were alive and a member of the Purdue faculty, he would defend his free speech rights and right to publish.[102] Remember that Daniels was always right about Zinn. Zinn dominated American History as it was taught in K-12 and in college. Zinn was the most used book in education as a history book of the United States. The problem is that Zinn was all wrong and so is the Professor Detmer from Purdue Calumet who defended him. Zinn always criticized America by Zinn using today's standards of behavior and morality. So does Detmer practice the same thing. They are all both completely wrong and their fellow historians show that this is the case. see the following historians on Zinn. Remember he was even critical of his role in World War II when he was a lowly bomber. He second guessed everyone in his role. He did not like it end of story. I wonder if he second guessed Churchill or Hitler etc. Churchill would not be the leader against Hitler if he did not believe, falsely, that the British Empire was coming back and Hitler would not have lost the war if he did not have a human weakness to believe in astrology. But that is the criticism of Zinn. He is a fake historian but Professor Detmer defends him because he is also a fake. He is a fake in all, and I mean all, that he writes. He is still writing about existentialism that dies after 1970. But he can make a name for himself because he is the only one writing about it.
But Zinn would not become a multimillionaire if he stuck the the known truth about America. He found out at the end of WWII that he could be very popular if he questioned the premise of people's decisions after the fact, especially when it came to Germany and Japan during WWII. So to sell he had to make American look bad and the Europeans look bad. And he did, which is all he did. And Zinn became very wealthy. At the same time he always said he was anti-American. He said he was communist, an anarchist, or a democratic socialist what ever that meant to him.P
Zinn's book was used to teach almost all the high schools in Indiana, among most other states. and it was uses to teach future historians by Purdue University Education School how American History is to be taught. The all uses Howard Zinn's "People's History of the United States." No other book. And it was used by historians in college such as Professor Lerner. He thinks of himself as an historian by he is just a liberal pontificate, actually way to the left of liberal as it Detmer. Like his compatriot in crime Senator Sanders, Zinn is a Marxist multi-millionaire. Go figure.
This is what Daniels tries to oppose. Both as governor of the State of Indiana and as President of Purdue University. He wanted diversity it historical thought about the United States. But it was not to be because of people like Detmer. Who once in their lives proves that they hate America, and all that it stands for. He prefers the European perspective and especially the high thinking French. His specialty is existentialism and that is what he wrote his books on. Jean Paul Sartre a Frenchman who was, depending what was happening at that time, was either an existentialism or a Marxist. Depending on the day and he never ever condemned the killing of innocent civilians by Communists. He liked it. As a matter of fact he was the last and only French intellectual to defend it -- except for Detmer. Neither is any longer taught or taken seriously. Why should you?
His mistake, and all who have followed him, is to assume that history is all about 2019. Zinn also presumes that he is the arbitrate of all human actions and he is the only human of any value in making decisions. This is the overall mistake that they all make. Can I think that Christopher Columbus, that is all Latinos, have hated and always hate Jews? Yes it is true. As history as always shown. But I do not act on it. I know that the Latinos were following the accepted belief about Jews in most of human history. Nothing more and nothing less. It cost the Latinos plenty. Since they got rid of Jews, during the 15th Century, they have been useless to humanity. Is it because of their lack of Jews? or God's punishment? or something else? I do not know. But I do not publish a stupid and idiotic book called: "The People's History of Latino People." It would all be a lie. As Zinn is but an effective one.
What the dumb columnist did not deal is with any critical views of the professor and Zinn. Remember they all evaluated Americans of over 500 years ago by today's standards of action, belief, and morality. It is easy to do that. In addition, not Detmer or Zinn viewed any of the people making decisions and actions as being human. Only the professors are. Why is Detmer teaching on Sartre at a second rate school? It was decisions he made or were made for him. Zinn is the same and so it Columbus. The Indians hated the Indians. Can you blame them? They were slaves and human sacrifices for other tribes. It is still going today. Ritual Contemporary Child Sacrifices Where is Detmer and Zinn? I hope they are all dead. It would explain their silence all these years.
Zinn is so Jewish. He leaves no, and I mean no, legacy to anything Jewish. It just happened. He is the big laugh of American academics. Remember only the Jewish bible talks and is in fact against any human and especially child sacrifices to gods and anything else. But Detmer and Zinn do NOT know anything about the Jewish faith. Nothing.