The Purdue University Chronicle_03.19.12, a student newspaper, is almost exclusively devoted to me, lucky me. In it, the Purdue Calumet Social Justice Club, has gotten beside itself because I named the wrong person as its advisor on this blog. Correction: it is not currently Prof. Alan Spector, instead it is his (to the best of my knowledge) protege, another Marxist, Akili Shakur. This does not change the nature of the club nor who its real "in the background" adviser is. By the way, when was the club not under the organziation of either Spector, DeFelice, or both? These comments in the paper were written by the Treasurer of the SJC and is not a news story; but, a propaganda piece, oh excuse me, an opinion piece -- although it is not presented as such. Could this be because many of those on the Chronicle staff are also SJC members?
I have talked to Marxists in West Lafayette when these two Professors, Spector and DeFelice, went down there in the 1980's to sell them on the Progressive Labor Party, and its house organ The Challenge. That publication is about as over the top as one can get (if you have any doubt, just look at a copy of a recent Challenge.) Keep in mind that DeFelice and Spector had their students actually subscribe to this rag and made the library subscribe to this piece of garbage. Why is anyone suprised that the Chancellor picks on me? I wonder if it is because I am Jewish as well as conservative ("oh say it isn't so, he must be silenced!"). No one ever bothered DeFelice or Spector in over forty years of berating and baiting students every single day.
As the Treasurer of the SJC presents, it is true that the Social Justice Club (SJC) and the Criminal Justice Club (CJC) have been at war and have had "bad blood" between them for probably ten years. Though the SJC Treasurer has it completely wrong as to the reason why. The reason is, Prof. Spector, through the Black Student Union, identified Prof. Nicky Jackson as a racist. This was when she was a part of Criminal Justice/Sociology. They called her a racist in a public gathering in the Student Union. This reference was the central focus of the gathering. In addition, Akili Shakur and friends filed a harasment complaint against Prof. Jackson for racism and anti-Black behavior in Jackson's classes. This was fought for over three years by Prof. Jackson. The only, and I mean only person on PUC's campus, who stood by Prof. Jackson was me. It seemed at the time that I was the only one, except for Prof. Jackson who believed in free-speech. Prof. Tobin also chimed in and called Prof. Jackson a racist in her class around the years 2004/5. (My, how things change.) By the way, the only way Prof. Jackson won was to get a lawyer and go to court to sue the University's Board of Trustees for failure to protect her civil rights. The University knew it did not have a leg to stand on and settled. The final monetary settelment was not disclosed; but Spector and friends including the Administration had to back off. That is the reason, part of the agreement, that Prof. Jackson is in the History and Polical Science Department, not in Sociology (even though her Ph.D. is in sociology).
By the way, the University administration, under Chancellors Yaeckel and Cohen, told Jackson there is nothing they could and would do because it was free speech. The students who called her a racist and described her as delivering racist rantings were allowed to do that on campus because the University considered it free speech. As a matter of fact, Prof. Jackson had to go back to court because even after her initial legal agreement with the University, the Administration and faculty continued to treat her as a racist. Here is the official filing: Jackson_complaint. If anyone is interested in other people who filed on a free speech basis while calling the kettle black, here is Prof. DeFelice's filing: Gene_defelice_complaint.
What is sad for me today, is to see how someone, Prof. Jackson, who called me practically every day for over two years, crying for reassurance that the University will do the right thing and that truth and civility will prevail, in spite of what it looked like then, has so willingly decided to go after me in quite the same way that others went after her. I was the sole support person through all her hearings, her interviews, and her legal ideas and strategy. What is hurtful, is that she never even gave me the benefit of a doubt to even contact me first to see what was going on.
Now we have a revisionist history being written by the Treasurer of the SJC, when it comes to the CJC and Prof. Nicky Jackson. The blog they mention, which I did put up, focused on the collusion of the Chancellor and the faculty as was shown by emails I obtained through a FOIA request (by the way, I am still awaiting more emails from other FOIA requests). Not a single word showed up about this either in the Chronicle itself or in the SJC commentary. Is this what the anonymous professor was afraid of commenting about? He knows too much? (Given the public shellacking I have been taking, it is hard to believe that anyone on this campus is fearful of me retaliating against them). It truly was a plan to "get me." I wonder why? To this day, not a single independent piece of evidence has been presented to show that I have ever done anything. Everything has either been part of free-speech and academic freedom debate on a university campus or it is just items that students and faculty keep repeating that it is so. Continuous repetition does not make it true; only the perception of it becomes blurred. The one time that Spector asked me; I emphatically told him no, it was not said.
All this is ignored by everyone, the CJC, the SJC, Prof, Jackson, etc. What seems to be important is to get me. I wonder why? Have any of you?