Read what the funny man, who claimed to be President of the United States, is now doing for all our disbelief in him, and American politicians, and our funny bone by his own acceleration. Regretfully it is what we believed all of our politicians were, thieves and charlatans, has now been proven our without a shadow of a doubt and there is no going back. Just read:
If I did not see this myself, I could not make this up. I always knew he was a fraud. He was as they say a politician who never ever did anything in his life. Ever, and it can not be longer than that. He still to this day has not. That is still so sad. We had our first Black president and who hurt the most? This is truly funny, the Blacks. Again, you cannot make this up.
Who did the best? The gays. Make up your own funny story of why this is the case.
How could we ever, ever have a president like Barack Obama? Only the demise of the American people can explain it. History will for ever write that the end of the United States as a beacon to other countries, the new Israel, died with the election of Barack Obama and the end of Americanism. It is, that is Americanism, and Anglo-Saxon idea and it died.
We have now found out that President Obama is collecting another $400,000 for another speech. This is in addition to the hundreds of millions he and his wife will get from their book. (This is already guaranteed.) If you do not see how the joke is on us, then all is over for America.